17 Things TV Has Made You Think Are Dangerous

Published on 01/20/2018

Every day we learn of a new, horrible and dangerous thing that could cause serious harm or even death to unsuspecting people just doing every day things. Some of these “things” are just so normal that our ears perk up and we slowly experience a panic attack. Now before you break out the bubble wrap and commit yourself to a life of never leaving your home, we decided to look at the odds of these disasters coming up and let’s just say, things got interesting. Take a look at the 17 things that are actually not as dangerous as you may believe. (And no, we are not condoning that you change your way of thinking or try to be all Evel Knievel).


Yes, it is possible for a massive asteroid or comet to crash into Earth and wipe out everything on it. It has happened before. Is it going to happen in our lifetime? NO. Currently NASA is tracking an asteroid named 2013 TV135 which ~could~ hit Earth in the year 2035. Although everyone at NASA is about 99.998% sure that it won’t.




Sharks have a bad rep, no really, they do. People out there have demonized this water G** way too much and every year, humans kill anywhere between 23 to 70 million sharks, mostly for something called shark fin soup, which just sounds gross and incredibly inhumane. Did you know the chances of you actually being attached by a shark are 1 in 3,748,067. You’re far more likely to get struck by lightning or to get in a car accident or even die from fireworks then you are to be attacked and killed by a shark. There may be tons of crazy amped up Hollywood films or insane exaggerations by the media that sharks are the devil incarnate but honestly, there’s nothing to worry about. Just respect your surroundings and swim free.



Fresh air never hurt anyone

Kids need fresh air! To feel the dirt under their fingernails, run around like absolute maniacs. Kids shouldn’t spend all of their time indoors watching the TV or playing video games. There may be a million mommy groups out there with an opinion that letting your kids play outside is so dangerous that they don’t allow it. Statically speaking, the odds of something happening to your child if they play outside is very low while the media loves to latch on to that one occurrence and play it on a loop, the odds are low. No, we aren’t saying that you should not supervise them or check on them from time to time, we are however saying, that yes, let them run around with their friends in the crisp air.

Fresh Air Never Hurt Anyone

Fresh Air Never Hurt Anyone

Play on, player

This debate has been gaining more and more attraction, many people believe that if children play games that are aggressive and violent, they will become dangerous and violent individuals. Most people have even blamed video games for gun violence and school schooling but there is absolutely no evidence that playing violent video games will in turn cause you to become more aggressive. Just be sure to only buy age appropriate games and limit the time the child plays because the only thing they’re falling victim to is childhood obesity.

Play On Player

Play On Player

Puppy Love

I think that Pit Bulls get an even worse reputation than our good friend, the shark, does. Their bad name and the belief that Pit Bulls are somehow more aggressive and extremely more dangerous than any other dog is insanity. However, it all boils down to how a dog is trained, the amount of training they receive, the love their owners shower them with. Any dog can be aggressive if it is not given the proper training and kindness. Even a Chihuahua or a Golden Retriever can be vicious if it is not shown compassion. The media may love to make Pit Bulls look like vicious animals that will rip your face off if you so much as look at them but that’s not the case. Most Pit Bulls, like any other doggie, just want a head scratch or belly rub or even a treat. Don’t judge a dog by its cover, folks.

Puppy Love

Puppy Love

You Jump, I Jump Jack

While jumping out of a plane at several thousand feet above ground sounds dangerous and also insane, if we may add, it’s actually not as bad as you think. According to the USPA in 2015 there were only 21 fatal skydiving accidents that happened in America out of about 4.2 million jumps. That means there was 0.005 fatalities per 1,000 jumps—among! Which according to the USPA is the lowest rate in skydiving history! If Benedict Cumberbatch can do it, so can you.

You Jump I Jump Jack

You Jump I Jump Jack


Again with the Hollywood exaggeration of films and TV shows, the chances of your gas tank exploding after you’ve been involved in a car accident is almost zero to none. While this happen over and over again on the screen, it most likely will not happen to you. The liquid fuel will burn, yes, but its flash point is so high it actually shouldn’t even make you break a sweat, even if your car is on fire. You see, the fuel has to escape, evaporate, and mix with oxygen before it can even ignite, which is why cars will burn, but they won’t explode. On the other hand, tires can and do explode if a car is on fire. Also, the fumes from the burning car is not good for you so be sure to stay far away. Always be extra cautious and wait for the proper authorities but get the thought of your mind that your car will explode.

Houston We Have A Problem


Shopping cart licker

How this makes the list is beyond me but hey, here we are. Parents will often say that they don’t want their children to put things in the mouth, which is far enough, but if they do, it’s not the end of the world! It actually helps to build up their immune system. So don’t overreact if they lick or even chew on a shopping cart. They could get sick from a virus but it’s nothing life-threatening. And no, cancer does not spread by licking a shopping cart. It is very disgusting if you or your child does this but it isn’t dangerous.

Shopping Cart Licker

Shopping Cart Licker

Nom, Nom

YAS. Chalk it up to an urban legend or just what our mothers would say to get us to not scarf down so many goodies but the belief that Halloween has “something” in it that could kill is ludicrous. No one is going around injecting candies with poison, people. While you should still remain vigilant, don’t fall victim to the thought that candies are poison.

Nom Nom

Nom Nom


If you just touch Mercury, no you are dying from Mercury poisoning because it’s actually absorbed by the skin slowly. Theoretically speaking, you could swallow mercury and it really wouldn’t cause too many issues. Did you know that explorers Lewis and Clark used Mercury as sure-proof laxatives? Interesting. Like most liquids, Mercury will evaporate over time.



Houston, we have a problem

This ol’ Hollywood fable, while it may sell films, it is statically low that either of these occurrences will actually occur. Complete engine failure or the plane running out of fuel does not happen often people, it just doesn’t. Only a handful of times since the beginning of time (okay, since the time that planes were invented) have either of these events transpired but there were more survivors than you think. I mean, it may have happened to Harrison Ford, that he crashed his plane, but he’s fine!


Houston, we have a problem

Poor cell service

First of all, you should always, always listen to what the airline crew says at all times. However, using your cellular phone on-board will not cause the plane to hurl out of the sky and crash. There may be many debates out there about where the electromagnetic interference from your cell phone interferes with the plane’s electronics but guess what, those are just debates. There is no solid proof and until we’re proven wrong, that’s what we have to say on the matter.

Poor Cell Service

Poor Cell Service


Dry ice is frozen CO2 which is about 109 degrees below zero which sounds like it would be the worst idea in the world to consume this. However, it isn’t. If you do consume dry ice, you’ll just get super gassy from the bubbles that will be created in your stomach. Just don’t try it, folks, no one wants to smell that.



Sounds like a fun trip

It is actually possible for you to get in and walk around the abandoned city of Pripyat, which was the site of the Chernobyl accident in 1986. While it isn’t recommended, it is possible. Just be sure you don’t linger! The city is still somewhat radioactive but wildlife is still flourishing in the abandoned city. Back when they were the boys from Top Gear, James May, Jeremy Clarkson, and Richard Hammond all had the race of their lives when they visited this fair city.

Sounds Like A Fun Tri

Sounds Like A Fun Trip

Speed! Power!

We do caution that you always follow what the speed limit says, don’t end up getting a ticket! However if there is an opportunity to drive over 100 MPH (160 kph), then you should give it a try because it actually feels no different. In fact, in Germany on their Autobahn, there is no speed limit set for standard passenger cars and the fatality rate on this road is just 1.6 deaths per billion-travel-kilometers. And Vin Diesel from Fast and the Furious franchise sure does make it look easy and sexy all at the same time.


Speed! Power!


Did you know that there are actually 1,500 species of scorpions out there and that only 25 of those can deliver a sting that is fatal to humans? We are going to assume that you didn’t actually know that. Did you also one that only ONE of those fatal species lives in America? This critter is called the Arizona Bark Scorpion, although they can also be found living in Utah and California. While their sting is painful and be for at least 48 hours, they aren’t actually all that deadly. In fact, infants and the elderly are the most likely to succumb to their wounds if they are stung, this is mostly because they are not strong enough nor is their immune system that impressive.



Let’s join the circus

Unless you are properly trained and actually know what you’re doing, and no, watching a YouTube tutorial does not count, at all, whatsoever, then this could be a bit dangerous. However if you actually and genuinely know what you’re doing then you’re in the clear. Fire performances have been around for a long, long time and are even considered an art form. The people who do such a task are prepared and very cautious, plus they’ve been training for a long time. So rest assured, leave it to the experts.

Lets Join The Circus

Lets Join The Circus