Medical SuperFood: 11 Diseases that Eating Bananas can Cure

Published on 01/18/2018

Getting your proper nutrition on a day to day basis is hugely important and something that is often overlooked. A great diet, consisting of tons of fruits and veggies, will help you fight off sickness and disease over the span of your life. However, it can be hard to find fruits and veggies that you like. That’s why we come so strongly to the defense of bananas. Bananas are the universally loved fruit that is on the verge of being labeled a ‘super food’. We already know that the banana is filled with essential nutrition but did you know that the banana can help to cure diseases? Listed below are 11 diseases that regular consumption of bananas can help to cure!

Blood Pressure Diseases

One of the biggest growing epidemics in North America is the problem of obesity and the sort of diseases that come associated with it: such as high blood pressure. High blood pressure occurs thanks to diets that are high in sodium and processed junk foods, something that is all too common in Western meals. Having a banana or two per day can help to offset some of that rise in your blood pressure. Bananas are filled with potassium and low in sodium and so they work expertly in the act of reducing your risk of stroke potential and other blood pressure related issues. Plus, if you need some easy breakfast ideas for kids while you are lowing your blood pressure you already have your fruit of choice on hand.

Blood Pressure Diseases

Blood Pressure Diseases


For some people constipation problems is a rarity and for others it is a common event. No matter how prevalent constipation is in your life you probably don’t enjoy when it rolls around. So how does avoiding constipation forever sound? By adding bananas to your diet you can effectively offset any constipation issues that you might face now or in the future. The reason for bananas as a wonder cure is simple: fiber. Bananas are high in fiber and this helps your body push along in your daily activities which helps you to avoid needing any sort of laxative to accomplish the same results. Listen, constipation isn’t fun or comfortable to talk about but it is even less comfortable to go through. Make bananas part of your breakfast shakes or as part of any easy breakfast ideas and you’ll be happier as a result.




The struggles of depression afflict untold amounts of people throughout the world and there really is no accurate way to sum up the struggles that these folks go through. We will say that people who are depressed are always tired and many reach for fibromyalgia herbs as a means to try and stave off the mental pain that wears so heavily on them. While bananas won’t cure depression they will go a long way toward helping you to treat the problems as they come. Bananas have a protein inside of them called tryptophan that helps you turn the protein in your body into serotonin. Serotonin, of course, is a chemical in your brain that helps you feel more relaxed and happier in general. Try including bananas in your diet more often if you feel like you struggle with depression or other mood related issues. The cure could be as simple as eating some more of this precious fruit in your diet.




While not a disease, many women would love to not have to deal with the pains that come associated with their menstrual period. PMS is a conflation of both physical and emotional symptoms that can leave women doubled over in pain while in agony that can’t really be pushed off. Bananas can help to offset the pain that women suffer during this period of time by eating plenty of bananas in their diet. Bananas are filled with vitamin B6 and this vitamin helps to keep your blood glucose level right on point, preventing you from experiencing those devastating mood swings that make life tougher to get through than it needs to. You can take pill capsules for B6 supplements but you won’t be getting the same outcome. Ditch the supplements and get your vitamins from your diet.



Brain Related Diseases

There is no organ inside of your body more important than your brain, so you should spend as much time as possible making sure that it remains in great shape. Diseases that effect your mind are some of the hardest to deal with as they attack the fundamental essence of your spirit and soul. When your mind starts to fail there can be nothing but to grin and bear it. So in order to avoid as many mental issues as possible, include bananas in your diet. Bananas are packed with potassium and potassium is essential for brain health, performance, and processing power. Reports around the globe have already backed up this assertion.

Brain Related Diseases

Brain Related Diseases

Mosquito Bites

Is there any insect in the world so fundamentally annoying as the mosquito? We aren’t terribly informed in the ecosystem but we’re pretty sure that mosquitos could be removed completely with minimal ill effect. If you end up getting bitten by mosquitos and thus having that itchy, allergic like reaction then you should reach for a banana peel. The inside of the banana peel can be rubbed against the bite for an immediate feeling of relief. Irritation of the bite will go down in the long run and swelling will stop almost immediately.

Mosquito Bites

Mosquito Bites

Morning Sickness

Pregnancy can only be considered a disease if you are the most hardcore of cynics, but nobody can deny how much morning sickness can make you feel terrible. Having bananas throughout your morning sickness can help to alleviate the negative feelings that you will get both physically and emotionally. Bananas will help soothe your stomach while your blood sugar levels will receive an important boost. You won’t fight off morning sickness completely but you’ll feel much better in the long run.

Morning Sickness

Morning Sickness


Do you struggle with anemia? Anemia is a condition that is actually fairly common throughout the world but it causes quite a few serious problems. Anemia is when your body doesn’t generate enough healthy red blood cells in your body to move oxygen around to your tissues. Anemia will make you feel weak and tired while turning everything in your day to day routine into a chore. Throw a few bananas into your diet on a day to day basis and you’ll see positive results. Bananas are filled with iron and iron is integral in pushing the production of hemoglobin in your body’s blood. This improved production of hemoglobin will lead to a reduction in your suffering from anemia.




Hangovers from alcohol can’t be considered a disease unless you are an alcoholic. Still, knowing a cure for a bad hangover is something pretty nice to know. As it turns out you can put your hangover on its heels by having a huge banana milkshake in the morning. Mix your banana milkshake with some honey and you’ll quickly see stuff start to turn around. The banana will help to calm down your heavy stomach while the honey stokes your blood sugar levels. The milk of the milk shake will help to generate hydration of your system and sooner than later you’ll start to feel like some semblance of yourself.




Anxiety and the general nervousness that seems to pervade it is sort of hard to fathom unless you really struggle with it. Have you ever experienced a feeling of absolute uncertainty? Have you felt like you couldn’t take control of your situation or maneuver yourself in a way to make things better? That is anxiety and some people feel it all of the time. Thankfully a steady diet of bananas can really help to turn things around and calm down your nervous system. Bananas are ripe with vitamin B and they can be consumed in dozens of different ways so as to keep you and your anxiety on the ropes. Studies have also shown that high pressure jobs, likely the culprit of these anxiety cases, have their workers binge eating on junk food to calm down their nervous issues. So in these situations you could substitute bananas in for junk food and come to a better outcome as a result.




Finally we shall take a look at how bananas can calm down even the most raging heartburn that you’ll experience. Bananas are blessed with a natural anacid type effect on your body. If you are a routine combatant against heartburn that adding a banana or two between meals can go a long way toward bringing you some sort of relief. As a natural remedy, bananas are hard to beat. Bananas are filled with protein, carbs, phosphorous, vitamin A, and even iron. So in reality we think bananas should be advocated as the daily fruit that you need to be taking in, not apples.

