8 Ways Activated Charcoal Can Revitalize Your Skin and Hair

Published on 11/09/2017

Taking care of your appearance is a day to day activity that requires focus, dedication, and information. Every single day you probably see a half dozen advertisements for beauty products that promise to change your world while also promising to prevent you from that always tired feeling you get after your skincare routine. Most of these beauty care products are just gimmicks made to sell units and push a branded product along with a pretty celebrity face. What if we told you that we had something good that you can utilize at home to change your hair and skincare regime without breaking the bank? That’s where activated charcoal steps up to the plate. While activated charcoal won’t make its way as a cancer treatment alternative, it will revolutionize the way you take care of your body. Listed below are 8 ways that activated charcoal can revitalize your skin and hair!

Eliminate Blackheads

Blackheads can be the biggest enemy in the world of your beauty regime. Blackheads are unsightly, hard to get rid of, and a pain to cover up — even fibromyalgia herbs won’t be able to ease the pain of the aches that come with stressing over them. Fortunately you can ditch blackheads for good by looking for pore strips that have been enhanced with activated charcoal. The power of activated charcoal implemented inside of a heavy duty pore strip will leave your pores refined, revitalized, and ready to rock and roll. With all of the extra time you have in the morning, not spent on fighting blackheads, you won’t have to stick to just breakfast shakes anymore — enjoy a full meal for once!

Eliminate Blackheads

Eliminate Blackheads

Acne Spot Treatment

It doesn’t take a high school romcom to point out that big zits on a big day are just not what you signed up for. While bad acne is not comparable to the gravity of cancer treatments, it is still a problem that will leave you frazzled. Fortunately you can start incorporating activated charcoal into your skincare regime as a spot treatment formula for acne. All you have to do is take powdered activated charcoal and mix it into aloe vera gel. From there you will want to mix the two ingredients together until they are formed into a paste. At this point you’ll be ready to spot treat all of your acne by merely covering them with a bit of the paste. You can apply by hand or you can utilize something like a cotton swab or a Q-Tip in order to keep your hands off of your skin.

Acne Spot Treatment

Acne Spot Treatment

Clarifying Mask

There isn’t a person on the planet who doesn’t wish that their skin wasn’t just a tiny bit clearer. If you are always fighting clogged up pores in between trips to the kitchen to make easy breakfast ideas for kids in the house then we have the simplest, easy to use answer to your problem: a charcoal face mask. Simply take a teaspoon of your activated charcoal and add that into a glass of warm water. You’ll want to allow the powder to settle before mixing it around, forming a paste. From here you can add an additional ingredient, like honey or aloe, and then mix it up once more. After your paste is fully formed you can apply a thin layer to your face, leaving it on as a mask for upwards of 10 minutes. Make sure that you continue with your normal moisturizing routine afterwards to prevent drying out, itching, or any other signs of irritation. Repeat this mask once every other day to keep your skin fresh, clean, and looking good.

Clarifying Mask

Clarifying Mask

Teeth Whitener

Alright, so we said we’d focus on skin and hair beauty tips but we’ll step up to somewhere just as important: your teeth. Your teeth bare the brunt of the impact that your diet has on you and that tends to wear them down and discolor your smile over time. If you have stained teeth from your drink selection (coffee, wine, tea) or your diet (colored fruits: berries, for example) then you can bring activated charcoal into the fold to help out. You can brush your teeth up to three times a week with activated charcoal in order to address these staining issues. The activated charcoal will absorb plaque and other tiny, hard to see materials that are stuck in your smile. After you have brushed like normal you will rinse out and spit the charcoal from your mouth. Keep rinsing until your spit comes out clear and all of the charcoal is free from your mouth. Keeping up with this routine will get your smile back on track, promote awesome oral health, and help keep gum disease and the risk of bad breath a thing of the past. Again, activated charcoal isn’t as important as alternative cancer therapy in the grand scheme of things, but it sure does help out your body!

Teeth Whitener

Teeth Whitener

DIY Shaving Cream

Whether you have hairy legs or a jawline that needs to be trimmed, activated charcoal can be just what the doctor ordered up. In order to make a great, easy to use shaving cream all you need to do is make a trip to the grocery store. Mixing in a glycerin soap base with bentonite clay, activated charcoal, and some essential oil (cedar wood) will leave you with a shaving cream that will leave you feeling both tingly and smooth. Activated charcoal isn’t meant to be used daily so don’t use this mixture if you are in the habit of shaving off your stubble every morning. Instead opt to use this DIY formula every once in awhile for a special treat. You can also change out the essential oil option in order to opt for a different fragrance so that you can adjust it to your ideal smell every time that you decided to make the mixture.

DIY Shaving Cream

DIY Shaving Cream

Dress Bug Bites

If you are out in nature a lot or merely victim of being the sweet of choice for biting bugs, activated charcoal can be exactly what you are looking for in order to get some help. Activated charcoal is renown for its ability to soak up the sort of impurities that stain your teeth or skin but it also can address painful bug bites. From mosquitos to house spiders, you can address these bites with a simple mixture of activated charcoal. Mix up a blend of the activated charcoal along with something like coconut oil and then apply it to your bite. After you have applied the mixture to your bite you will then want to take some heavier bandaging, be it thick band-aids or fabric bandage, and wrap the bite tightly. Keep an eye on the bite and change out the dressing every couple of hours until the pain has stopped and the itching has stalled. For more serious bites, such as those of the Black Widow or Brown Recluse, you will want to get it checked by a physician as soon as possible. Activated charcoal is a wonderful material but it is not a cure for everything.

Dress Bug Bites

Dress Bug Bites

Detoxify Your Body

Your outward appearance is often a visible representation of your internal health. For many people this means that they’re body is so full of toxins from poor dietary habits that they start to see repercussions on their skin. Detoxifying isn’t just some buzz word that is used to sell health supplements and beauty care products, it is also a very real way to attack your physical health and wellbeing. So if you want to start the detoxifying process then you need to whip yourself into shape by picking up some activated charcoal capsules. These capsules can be purchased from pharmacies or department stores in most cities and they are all pretty affordable. Depending on the size of the capsule you will need to adjust this recipe. Mix one to two capsules into a non acidic juice that you have in between meals. You want to start off with a lower amount of activated charcoal in your drink and you want to only do it sparingly as it detoxifying your body is not meant to be a daily thing. Drink plenty of water during your detox and monitor how much better you start to feel in the long run!

Detoxify Your Body

Detoxify Your Body

Deep Cleaning Scrub

Our favorite place to implement activated charcoal is in the shower when we are aiming for a deep scrub that gets us feeling fresh and revitalized for the rest of the day. In order to get a great deep cleaning scrub all you need to do is add two or three capsules to your regular body scrub recipe. You’ll run a little dark while you scrub and you will need to rinse a few minutes longer but when you are done you will feel more fresh and clean then you’ve likely felt in a long time!

Deep Cleaning Scrub

Deep Cleaning Scrub