14 of the Most Adorable Designer Dog Breeds in the World

Published on 10/19/2017

Maltipoo – Maltese and Poodle.

The Maltipoo just screams out class when you see it after a grooming. The Maltipoo is a mixture of the Maltese and the Poodle and what you get is an adorable little animal with an expressive personalty, long hair, and eyes that see just about everything. The Maltipoo is particularly popular among designer dog breed enthusiasts and for good reason. Their long hair makes for all sorts of interesting makeovers and they are intelligent as well, making them easy to train for potential competition consideration.

Maltipoo - Maltese and Poodle

Maltipoo – Maltese and Poodle


Chusky – Chow Chow and Husky.

This breed of designer dog is literally too fluffy to be allowed to exist. The Chusky is a mixture of the Chow Chow and the Husky but it is 1000% cuter than any breed alive. The Chusky has a squat and fat body with the Chow Chow’s large fur and the Husky’s attentive face. We couldn’t imagine a better cuddle partner if we tried.

Chusky - Chow Chow and Husky

Chusky – Chow Chow and Husky