Joking Their Way To Millions: Net Worth Of Comedians

Published on 11/15/2017

Mel Brooks – $100 Million

At 91 years old, Mel Brooks is more than just a comedian – he’s an icon. Not only is he incredibly talented (he won an Emmy, a Grammy, an Oscar AND a Tony – talk about sustainable development of his career!), but especially at the height of his professional life, he was raking in the big dough. In the 70s, Brooks directed many of the top money-making movies of the year, putting his net worth at $100 million.

'An Audience With Mel Brooks' TV Programme. 1983

‘An Audience With Mel Brooks’ TV Programme. 1983


Sacha Baron Cohen – $110 Million

Best known for ridiculously hilarious movies that cause every fan to laugh so hard they’re sore the next day, Sacha Baron Cohen is in a league of his own. His crazy accents draw movie goers to the theaters, and his absurd characters keep them coming back for more. Baron Cohen has cashed in on those laughs in a major way – $110 million, to be exact. Pretty poor showing, Borat… not.

Sacha Baron Cohen – 110 Million

Sacha Baron Cohen – 110 Million