Hilarious Windshield Notes You Just Have to See

Published on 08/13/2017

What’s worse than terrible drivers out on the road? The terrible-horrible-mind-numbingly horrific parking jobs. Yeah, the driver’s who don’t know how to park are THE worst. You can forget about keying someone’s car in retaliation, when you can instead leave behind an angry, well thought out note. That’s the ultimate revenge, trust us. This is why we rounded up the worst of the worst windshield notes, some made us laugh, some made us laugh until we cried, and others, well some made us totally terrified. Take a look for yourself and you’ll see what we mean!

Almost A Rhyme

Oh look, a modern take on the Carly Rae Jepsen song…although this one doesn’t rhyme at all. We’ll skip the cheap car insurance and go straight for the good stuff, next time, it might not be a note!

Almost A Rhyme.

Almost A Rhyme.


Caps Lock Creates More of an Emphasis

You know you’re angered a person when they leave you a note written in all capital letters. However in this case, not only has the ~worst~ car parker pissed off someone, they’ve also been presented with a neat opportunity to slide across car hoods, just like in the movies. Some would call that equal balance.

Caps Lock For Emphasis

Caps Lock Creates More of an Emphasis